Tuesday, April 17, 2012

A bit about Yoga

As most of you know I adore yoga... actually funny enough I first began yoga here in Fort McMurray. I had taken the random class here and there, but it was classes with Judy Funk that really made me fall in love with the practice. She taught a fusion of ashtanga, dance and hatha... Really helped me open up, and get to know my body. From there on I would explore all forms of yoga from Mokska, Bikram, Iyengar and Ashtanga.. my baby :) It all began while I was studying for my first set of Naturopathic board exams, NPLEX I. To get away from the hustle and bustle of Toronto, I moved to Edmonton for the summer, and there I became a diligent Ashtanga student. The regiment of studying for exams was incorporated with daily yoga. It helped me calm my mind, open my body and focus my thoughts. I was hooked, and have been ever since. I love the way my body feels after... like I have been massaged and stretched... the feeling of having just stepped out of the ocean!

Ashtanga means 8 limbs... it is a system of yoga founded by Sri K. Pattabhi Jois (1915-2009). This method of yoga involves synchronizing the breath with a progressive series of postures, always in the same order—a process producing intense internal heat and a profuse, purifying sweat that detoxifies muscles and organs. The result is improved circulation, a light and strong body, and a calm mind. Many people in yoga are very "cliquey" when it comes to which yoga is superior... especially in larger cities! My personal belief is do the one that makes you feel the best.
The fast pace makes me feel like its a work out... I love that adrenaline rush. It also aligns your body, strengthens muscles and sculpts your body (in three sessions I swear!). There is also a huge focus on the breath, as with many forms of yoga, but specifically the ujjayi breath, a form of breathing that is loud and elongates the inhalation and exhalation. I like this definition: The sound of Ujjayi is created by gently constricting the opening of the throat to create some resistance to the passage of air. Gently pulling the breath in on inhalation and gently pushing the breath out on exhalation against this resistance creates a well-modulated and soothing sound—something like the sound of ocean waves rolling in and out. For myself this breathing is the key, as I tend to be in my head alot... it forces me to come back into my body and stay grounded.

Over the years I have practiced ashtanga at home and taken classes at least 4 times a week, however I have to admit over the last couple months I have faltered. So throwing myself back into the yoga scene I searched for an Asthanga studio in Fort McMurray with no avail. Trying to be open minded I decided that any yoga was better than none... hence I signed up for Yoga that is offered in our clinic.

Today I took a class by Marie, our Holistic Nutritionalist. She is from Vancouver, and her yoga class was amazing! She teaches Hatha yoga (slower paced stretching class with some simple breathing exercises and perhaps seated meditation). I sometimes dread the slow pace, because my mind wanders too much, however I found her class challenging and enjoyable. Her energy and instruction allowed me to not just focus on my pose, but also focus my mind. Some of you may think Im promoting her because she is in my clinic, however any of you who know me know that I can be really picky when it comes to yoga. The environment, feel, energy and instruction all have to be "right"...for me :)

I always promote yoga in my practice, as it's a good way to center energy as well as strengthen the body. I used to have a really bad hip (from years of running and swimming), and I thought I would have issues for life. After a year of yoga all the pain went away... now I run with no pain at all! The unique thing about yoga is that it has the ability to strengthen and lengthen. Most people dont give credit to ligaments... the elastic fibers on either side of your muscle that is attached to bone. When you stretch for a short time you are probably stretching your muscle... however long stretches allow your ligaments to elongate... allowing you to appear slimmer, align your body (no body builder physique), and prevent injury (the more you stretch an elastic band the less likely it will break).

Other benefits of yoga
1. Reduces cortisol and releases stress.(preventing the muffin top, and psychotic mood swings!)
2. Increases immune system and white blood cells
3. Increases flexibility and range of motion (I was the most inflexible person... it took me a year to be able to touch my toes... now i can almost touch my nose to my thighs!)
4. Increased strength
5. Weight management
6. Cardiovascular conditioning: lower your resting heart rate therefore reducing high blood pressure and overall endurance.
7. Focus on the present: greater memory, concentration and reaction times.
8. Inner peace: also balances blocks in energy meridians which can lead to disease.

I encourage you to try different classes, see what suits you, and of course brings inner happiness :) Enjoy the journey!

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